Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Head banger

I caught myself doing it again last night ..banging my head against the wall until all hours ..needlessly. I could have simply walked away. My email service started mangling whatever I put into it from word processors ..on both of my computers. Since my email service is also my Internet service provider .. I felt like I was stuck .. I started fiddling with every setting I could find ..ran every antivirus I could get my hands on ..downloaded the latest version of JavaScript ..I had two techies on the phone ..and when they ran out of ideas ..I called them wimps ..which kept them going ..they told me they don’t work on ‘third party’ software ..I told them their service is made up of nothing but third party software ..they told me that my ‘network software’ is corrupt ..only when connecting to your service, I countered ..our switchboards would be lit up like a Christmas tree right now if that were the case ..what, my patronage isn’t enough ..and on and on. I launched a bunch of anitvirus antispyware antipasto anti-takeover suicide prevention pills and went to bed. Got up this morning, but still no luck (would you believe it was the first thing I did when I got up). I even re-installed my office software ..nada. Then, after walking away from the computer .. I realized that I had already found the solution. In my efforts to show the techies that it was only a problem with their service ..I opened accounts with google, microsoft and yahoo. They work fine ..


msb said...

glad your still around. :+)

Lee William said...

Thank you ..I'm glad you are too ..!

Steven Harper said...

Hey, I know the space (at least I think I do). I have had a great experience with my gmail account. Good Luck

Shimmerrings said...

A bunch of antivirus antispyware antipasto anti-takeover suicide prevention pills! Roflmao! And I can believe it was the first thing you did when you rolled over... been there, done that! And, btw, I used to be a Customer Service Respresentative with with a local cable internet service provider... I had about 3 days of training, about 4 hours each evening. I once had someone say to me, "Wow! You must have to have a lot of training to do this job!... Do you have to have a college degree?" My only response was, "You wouldn't believe the training I had!" "Wow, I'll bet!" came back. There were many times that the techniques I employed worked miracles, even though the customer was certain that it would be of no use to even try my suggestion... the mind was boggled, the head rolled, they just didn't understand, when their own techniques did not work, yet mine did... then, there were just times when I didn't know what the heck I was doing, and they were oh-so-kind. I can't believe the customer service person didn't ask you to open another page on the internet. Anyways, we were taught, way back then, that sometimes the program becomes corrupt and you have to uninstall and reinstall. Even worse, I don't know how it's possible (I'm not really very techno-saavy) I was told that sometimes the software will even become corrupt, and pick up the problem that is in the program(if you've inserted the disk and tried to reinstall) and you will have to obtain new software. I hope it resolved itself! Antipasto! Rofl!

Lee William said...

Steven ..! Sometimes I feel like I’m still banging around trying to get out of the birth canal ..crazy as that might sound. Thanks

Lee William said...

Shimmerrings ~ I was a little unfair to the service reps ~ I feel sorry for anybody who has to deal with me like that ~ I always give them a glowing feedback report ~ and a fresh serving of antipasto. Thanks

Shimmerrings said...


elise said...

I do not have patience like you mr.zen, i woud have hung up immediately and given up.

that's why you are mr. zen

Lee William said...

I am not as quick as you Elise ~ I hung on when I should have let go.