Friday, December 14, 2007

Formative years

I came of age on the edge of the Pacific ocean, which is probably why I can see more shades of blue than a farm boy in rural Nebraska ..and why he can see more shades of grain. I spent my adolescence exploring coves beneath bluffs lined with spectacular homes that I felt would always be outta reach. I didn’t mind, my ambitions weren’t exactly materialistic long as they didn’t put the beach outta reach ..that’s where I felt most at home. I mastered body boarding ..I went through tide pools and caves ..I found a hidden cove that I could get to only by diving off a cliff and get out of by swimming. I used to go there a lot and just sit ..watching life in the coastal zone ..a cycle of water swooshing in and flowing out it’s surroundings. It resembled the way my days  went ..from sunny beaches dark corners ..and back to sunny beaches again. I came of age on the edge of the Pacific ocean ..and I know how much this sounds like some sort of daily affirmation.


Shimmerrings said...

Lol, I made my comment, to this posting, on the wrong posting. But I went back and deleted it, so I could put it here. Can you still go there? Is your spot still easy to access? My spot was under an oak tree, on the back lot... or flat on my back, there, gazing up into the sky. Everyone needs a place like that.

Steven Harper said...

The ocean, the Pacific Ocean, is such a powerful teacher. Not everyone is so lucky as to make the connection and know it...

Lee William said...

Shimmering ..yes, I can go back there ..although I’m finding new places that have the same feeling ..I never really grew up .. :)

Lee William said...

Thanks Steven lucky we are ..and what a blessed place to be connected to

Shimmerrings said...

And don't you ever grow up, Lee William! Last night my son was running around, outside, like a little kid (he's almost 25). It was snowing! We don't get snow here, that much, in South Carolina. His girlfriend came back inside, "It's too cold out there, he's acting like a little kid!" And I hope he always will. And I regretted, for him, that she wasn't out there, with him, acting like a little kid. When he returns back inside, he has this older brother with him, and one of my grand-daughters. He and his brother sometimes have issues, but it was awesome to know that some small child-like Joy could quickly melt any small ego games that they have going, and bring out the childhood brotherly love, again *sigh*... may we never grow up, and lose the innocence of being in touch with the Earth and the Universe.

Shimmerrings said...

... And this gives me an idea for a post, lol.

Shimmerrings said...

p.s. lol... and had I not been working on my mother's bank statement, trust me, I would have been out there with them, too!