Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Crazy Charlie

Crazy Charlie, how do you do ~ I see ya’ stylin' down the avenue ~ all rosy red and electric blue ~ it don't matter whatcha' do ~ calamity's out there waiting for you


Shimmerrings said...

You can definitely tell it's California, there, lol... Crazy Charlies... what do we do? I am always so curious about them. There is so much to learn. I once was in the presence of a guy who was pretty severely autistic. It was interesting to say the least. How wonderful, the day, when we find the secrets to fix their delimas.

msb said...

Wonderful wonderful picture.

Lee William said...

Shimmerrings ~ you're right ..! I think we also have a lot to learn about the not-so-crazy charlies ..thanks

Lee William said...

Dakini ~ thank you thank you ..!

Maithri said...

Calamity or flowers - like the ones on his shirt ;)

Love this picture, it grows the heart.


Lee William said...

maithri ~ thank you ..so does your comment ~ lee

IzzyGumbo said...

your barque are as good as your byte, and this charlie is a delight in the sun... "who needs to the jacket on such a lovely day".

this is a brilliant man, as are your stories of him.

Bill Robertson said...

This brings back memories ..

“Rosy red and electric blue
Got a paddle for your paper canoe.
Dum de dum de dooodley do
Do come back when you can
Whenever your paper airplane
happens to land”

Cosmic Charlie
Santa Cruz,2007