Monday, November 26, 2007

Crazy Charlie

I have a friend I call Crazy Charlie ~ he chats and sometimes argues with people who aren’t around ~ I have a theory about Charlie ~ his ‘band path filters’ are worn out ~ allowing fuzzy signals of thought to slip through and travel the same pathways as signals coming from his senses ~ making it hard for him to distinguish between the sound of his ‘inner voices’ and the sound of other people’s voices ~ often the voices of people he doesn’t get along with ~ which leads me to another theory ~ thoughts from his subconscious mind ~ opinions he’s not aware of ~ get amp’d and slip through there as well ~ arriving on the same channel as a co-worker saying hello in the morning ~ which may be another reason he has trouble holding a job ~ in fact, there’s so much chatter going on up there ~ he’s always hearing voices ~ either out on the street ~ or down from the sky ~ saying things like: “what’s the matter with you ..your hair’s too long ..why do you act so strange ..and where do you do your shopping .. the salvation army” ~ pretty soon they become fighting words ~ which turn into shouting matches ~ followed by periods of observation ~ ordinarily I would say ~ the best way to avoid these confrontations is to recognize that the voices you hear are your own ~ then attempt some sort of reconciliation ~ however, in Charlie’s case, I say blow them off ~ treat the voices ~ both inside and out ~ as though they are the ranting of a raving lunatic you might hear on the street ~ shouting that the world is about to end ~ or that aliens have taken over the government ~ something like that ~ because, you see ~ they’re easier to ignore that way ~ you can always be sure there’s another lunatic out there with a band path filter that is in more urgent need of repair than your own.


Shimmerrings said...

I once met a guy who was diagnosed with schizophrenia. I met him as a date prospect. He said he had seen Christ's 2nd coming... gave the year and moment, when a beam of light had shown down into his home. For all I know, could have been the moment the Christ Consciousness revamped itself, at least in his life. He had lost a good job because voices kept telling him to do stuff. Can't say that I blame them, he worked at a nuclear processing plant. All the same, he was interesting. He brought me his favorite flower, when he arrived at my doorstep... a cotton pod. Sweet and unique. The brain is a complex thing.

Lee William said...

The brain is a complex thing ..that’s for sure ..probably many things ..sounds like you had the good fortune to meet some of them.

Shimmerrings said...

Lee William, yes I'd say it was fortunate. I've always been intrigued by the brain. Though I am no brainiac, for certain, the workings of it interest me. I knew the guy was schizoprenic before we met. I wanted to meet him anyways. I wasn't frightened of the idea. I wish I could have persued a career, long ago, on that subject. I have a particular interest in the brain when it comes to mystical type events... and seeing and hearing people and voices that others do not see and hear. What's really out there, in the ethers? Or is it just the the brain gone awry? What of alternate realities? So much to ponder, so little time.

Lee William said...

That's interesting, I wrote something about mystical experience last year, if you want to read it, click here ~~> Exploring

Shimmerrings said...

Thanks, I'll check it out...

Lee William said...

thank you're so kind

Bev said...

I like the way you treat Crazy Charlie seriously.

elise said...

I love every post about charlie. he sounds so endearing and eccentric? I'm not sure if thats the right word, but it's close enough.

Lee William said...

Thank you Bev ~ everybody's got a story

Lee William said...

Thank you Elise ~ that's a good word for him .. :)