Saturday, July 28, 2007

Ordinary instant

I close my eyes ..and hear the sound of water splashing somewhere well as the sound of someone yelling into a cellphone ..I mean, I don’t know for sure that it’s a cellphone ..but there’s an unmistakable quality to a cellphone conversation. Next, my brain puts the person on the cellphone into a shower (the splashing water) ..and, to make it more convincing ..puts the cellphone into a waterproof yellow case similar to my underwater camera. However, there's one thing it forgot ..the sounds of a real shower never reach the place where I’m sitting. I caught my brain in an outright fabrication. Now I feel the satisfaction of outwitting my own brain ..but I begin wondering how many other fabrications have slipped by me in the past ..and created a data base of misconceptions ..then I remember the reason why I started this journal in the first place try and capture the ‘vagaries’ of ordinary thought. Somewhere I lost track ..the original purpose got obscured ..I took a wrong turn ..and followed the overriding concerns of egotistical thoughts ..which always seem to beat out my ordinary thoughts.


elise said...

i always have violent fabrications, i guess i have pent up anger. but it's always amusing to let my mind wander.

the last comment you left was the best.

is it strange to say i know there is one material thing that makes me stomach flip, a smile immediately comes to my face... someday i want a greenhouse. i get goosebumps just thinking about it.
i think i sink my teeth into the earth and see what comes from it.

Lee William said...

My fabrications can be violent and threatening ..I try to catch them in the act as well.

Thanks ..

A greenhouse is also a dream of mine’s just so replenishing to feel like part of the earth, the surf, the trees and everything

msb said...

My biggest fear in life is that some one might find out i had an ordinary thougt.

Lee William said...

Dakini ~ How true ‘ego’ constantly nags me about the importance of ‘appearing’ extra-ordinary. Thank you.

elise said...

i think i like the purple one!!