Friday, March 2, 2007

Demolition man

My laptop went hurtling through space the other day ..then came crashing down on the living room floor ..the result of a high speed chase to the front door ...with my legs still tangled in the power cord. It works OK ..only now the monitor displays all the colors of the rainbow. So, I borrow Karla’s flat screen monitor to use until I get a new laptop ..but it looks so cool, I put it upstairs with my desktop PC instead. ..and the laptop, along with that big old desktop monitor, goes out into the garage .. and I’m sure Karla is sitting here wondering if she’ll ever get to download songs on her iPod ..burn CD’s ..or log on to MySpace again. Since then, my home theater system crashed multi-media PC speakers burned ..and I’m starting to experience withdrawal symptoms from not getting a regular supply of auditory stimulation. I make a frantic run to all the electronic stores ..circuit city .. compUSA ..frys ..and radio shack. I go online to the manufacturer (Hercules) ..then amazon ..eBay ..even someplace called DJsupply. I learn that it makes no sense to try and repair anything ..but, replacing them with something that I think I can hook together seems fraught with confusion and despair ..time is running out ...and I'm beginning to feel hopelessly strung-out. I call my friend Dave, who has a small, store-front consulting service for people building high-end, computer gaming systems ..I never thought I would have to go to this extreme. When I say store ..I mean a bunch of closets crammed full of shiny silver boxes with work orders attached. He tells me to come by ..he may be able to do something for me. After sitting there and patiently listening to me jabber on for like twenty minutes ..he pulls, from out of nowhere, a set of multi-media speakers that sound killer he shows me a notebook PC with high definition monitor ..DVD and CD burners ..built-in wireless networking ..a zillion and a half gigabytes of everything ..Bose speakers ..and while I’m sitting there salivating like Pavlov’s dog ..he says he’ll throw in a 22 inch flat screen monitor by View Sonic ..for Karla ..and I’m thinking, does Karla really have to know about this ..?


identity crisis said...

I'm drooling too.

Lee William said...

my mouth waters whenever i go into a circuit city store ..especially in the audio department

msb said...

Nice sunset in Big Sur. Hope you work out all the bugs in your computer mess. I always say buy new,
big, and fast.

Lee William said...

Thank you ..good to hear from you again. Yah, Big Sur sunsets remind me of how small minded I can be ..;)