There’s a lightening storm passing through my head today ..disrupting my vision and rearranging the view. I can feel the ground shake underneath my feet ..as I go through the doorway ..and run down the street. California poppies and eucalyptus groves. I stop on a bridge above a lagoon ..and watch brightly colored sea water moving below. I walk aimlessly down the streets of IV (a sleepy little college town by the sea) ..lots of bicycles, birkenstocks, paisley covered halter tops and surf board shops .. students with sand in their hair and feet ..curve around me as they pass ..looking so fresh and pure ..it’s like worldly concerns don’t reach them here. Another lightening storm ..I duck through a bar door ..order a beer and start a friendly conversation ..which takes an unexpected turn and goes no where. I walk out on the bluff and watch the waves crash ..I close my eyes and feel the storm pass. Around sunset I hear somebody say: “Hey dude ..cha’ figure it all out yet ..?”
That was beautiful! I don't know that we'll ever figure it all out though...
me neither ..it's like wrapping water in paper
send me some california poppies. it can be electronically. :)
how fast did you run lee? and when you do figure things out, send me a line. i would be more than willingly to listen.
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