My first rule of exploration is to have respect for the ‘visions’ of others ..the most valuable information I ever got came from other people. I believe that each one of us is a storehouse of ‘unlimited realities.’ Our thoughts and memories are the most apparent ..but there are others ..the ‘extra-ordinary’ states of consciousness reported by mystics from both western and eastern cultures. So ..my first rule of exploration: the visions of one person are just as valid as the visions of any one else. Who’s to say that the visions of Buddha were any different than those of Jesus ..Lao Tsu ..Socrates ..or Krishna. I like to begin exploring with an open mind.
That's the only way to live!
and after that where is your next destination to explore?
finding the source of the waves behind my eyeballs ..thanks for asking elise
Thanks for leading me to this post. I have to laugh about the waves behind your eyeballs... I remember when I realized there was a whole galaxy behind mine :) This might match your thought of us each being a storehouse of unlimited realities. I truly believe that, too. I was just remembering the movie Altered States... I was so very moved by that movie, and intrigued, of course. At the end, when he turned to that body of light. He was slipping away into another realilty and all it took was love to reach out and bring him back. It spokes volumes. On many levels. Anyways, I totally agree that we should respect other's visions. Inclusive of that is the idea that "vision" can be defined on many different levels. It has been my own visions, though few, that have led me to my grand curiousity for the subject. I spent a few years first trying to figure out if what I saw could've been defined as a vision, and asking many people about my vision, until I realized that no one can define what is a vision to another, nor can another decipher it for another, really. I also came to realize that... keeping in line with each being a storehouse of unlimited realities... that we have just as much right to communicate sacred thought, taken from our own channels of information, as those who passed down info eons ago. Truth is continually unfolding, we cannot place what is known into a box and say, "This is all there is, the buck stops here." I once wrote a passage that I shared with my now deceased husband. We had shared of some mystical experiences, together. And he wondered if others might have done the same, throughout time. I answered that, of course there had been other couples who had shared of those ways, and I had said, "It is written that when two shall become as one they shall discover the secrets of the universe." I had made it up on the spot, being cute. He had misunderstood and thought I it was a Richard Bach quote, lol. I told him, "No, and where before it had not been written, it is now, because I just made it up." He had laughed and thought it uproariously funny. But, why not? One man's vision... one man's thoughts... are just as valid... and sacred... as anothers. Thanks for giving me the chance to express my thoughts here. I wish I could express myself as briefly as others, lol.
I agree with you when you say visions are hard to describe ..they exist outside the order of analytic thought ..and language..
Thanks for sharing your passages ..
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