Monday, January 16, 2006

Intelligent behavior

I believe there could be more dimensions in space than we ordinarily see addition to hundreds ..perhaps thousands of universes ..that's a lot of space for a ‘creator’ to occupy. I don’t think scientists claim to know where people came from ..however, when they see phenomena occuring regularly enough in nature ..they feel compelled to document and investigate. Intelligent design doesn’t warrant this kind of attention because it is based on a classic fallacy in science called ‘anthropomorphism’. This means assigning our own characteristics to forces we don’t understand ..and intelligence is one of those characteristics. Given that there is so much we don’t know ..explaining it in terms of our own limited notion of ‘intelligence’ seems awfully egocentric believing that the sun and planets revolve around the earth. In fact, we have a better understanding of how a star is born than how intelligent thought is formed.


Paul said...

We know so little because there is so much that we don't see.

Lee William said...

That's true ..and rather than admit we don't know ..we imagine something that looks and behaves just like us.

Newsandseduction said...

'catch yourself thinking'....(by someone)