Josie’s eyes are slow to adjust to a textbook after she’s been watching the teacher. Teacher looks ok ..book looks ok ..the problem is in the transition ..that short period of time when the eyes need to re-focus. She doesn’t have a reading problem. I don't even think she has a vision problem. She’s just a kid whose eyes are adjusting to the classroom environment ..not what they were originally programmed for. They gave her bifocals anyway and told her she has to wear them all the time. Now she has difficulty walking ..the ground looks like a staircase and the periphery is blurry. She has to quickly turn her head towards whatever she needs to see. It's all messed up ..she says. I recommend to her parents that she keep the glasses in the case and use them only during class. I don’t want her to get hurt ..nor do I want her to get accustomed to seeing things this way.
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