Monday, June 6, 2005

Holographic interface

Hasn’t the technology of ‘virtual reality’ come far enough so that I don’t have to hear the same: “yo ho yo ho ..a pirates life for me” every time I go to Disneyland ? In the 1970’s, they were able to project holograms on vapor and show ghosts zooming around the haunted mansion. When is the next generation going to arrive where holograms can respond to my actions, like interactive ether. I want rides that simulate intergalactic battles against virtual storm troopers or the forces of the evil Emperor Zurg –where I determine the outcome of events without following the same old script. If they can put simulator technology in the software that powers the Internet ..why not push it beyond the conventional Graphical User Interface (GUI) and into three-dimensional space ..where, instead of ‘point and click’ ..I can ‘aim and shoot’.

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