Summertime me that means boogie boarding at eucalyptus beach ..taking Pacific Coast Highway to Big Sur ..and, this year ..visiting my family in Germany – 5 sisters and a brother. Means that pretty soon we’ll be sitting in beer gardens ..walking past orchards loaded with apples and pears, too small and bitter to eat ..but just right for the schnapps we drink. We’ll drive through the hops and vineyards around lake Bodensee ..take a ferry to the city of Konstanz, which is a town so old it feels medieval. We’ll also hike up Mount Pfänder (pronounced ‘fender’) ..and take the ‘tele-freak’ (cable car) back down.
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Summer look
After solstice it really feels like summer. I went to the store and picked out t-shirts in every ‘cool’ color – sea green, plum, yellow and burgundy. I realize 'coolness' is a property of mind ..not color. Anyway, I also got khaki shorts, jungle fatigues and a pair of swim trunks. When I went to pay with my visa card, they told me it was ‘declined’. What ..? I paid that bill. I got on the phone and found out that my account was blocked because my card number had been stolen, along with like thousands of others, from a ‘merchant center’. OK, well ..good work, I told them ..feeling glad they had caught it in time to save my credit worthiness. Now what? The store – Eddie Bauer – issued me one of their cards. Gave me a discount as well. I thought that was pretty decent of them.
Saturday, June 25, 2005
Ahhh, craziness ..the summer solstice parade ..a day-long festival ..and a procession of humanity coming from every direction. It's put on by local artists ..not civic organizations there’s no marching bands ..nothing traditional. It's a celebration of life. How pagan. How fun. This year's theme was ‘wild things’ ..which could mean anything ..and usually does ..because anybody can participate in any way they want. For instance, my neighbor walks up the street playing a trumpet of my friends was one of the belly dancers ...a former coworker and his wife used to dress up like scuba divers and pull their kids up the street in wagons with water guns ..until their children grew up and thought it was silly. I buy tons of confetti eggs and hand them out to kids ..tell them it's ok to throw at their parents. For me, the best part is the 'circle of drummers' at the park ..they play a continuous African-tribal beat ..on drums from every part of the world. I join the circle of people surrounding them ..and dance to the rhythm ..until I move past self-consciousness ..and activate a part of me that moves effortlessly. Kind of like at a rock festival.
Friday, June 24, 2005
Pop culture on the brain
Bill: is there any life in jennifer without brad ..?
Nancy: who cares ..i am so tired of her
Bill: ok, now ..who was billy bob thorton married to before?
Nancy: angelina jolie !!
Nancy: she stole him from Laura Dern and there’s a quote from her where she says she would never date a married man ..shit, Dern and he were engaged to be married ..close enough !! so, from that quote, i take it that she and pitt are an item !
Bill: brilliant deduction sherlock
Nancy: lol
Bill: lets see, you got billy bob thorton ..laura dern ..angelina jolie ..jeff goldblum ..geena davis ..brad pitt ..jennifer aniston ..nicole kidman ..katie holmes ..tom cruise ..war of the worlds ..orson wells ..widespread panic
Bill: somehow, when i think of jennifer aniston ..i don't think of Brad Pitt ..i think of lisa kudrow
Bill: and when i think of lisa kudrow ..i think of sally struthers and the children’s crusade ..or margot kidder and the psychiatric ward
Nancy: lol
Bill: i think margot was writing her biography when she began to get paranoid ..her computer contracted a virus ..she panicked ..delusions set in –she fantasized that her first husband was out to kill her, so she left home –and wound up on the streets
Bill: so now, when i think of jennifer ..i picture this homeless person with an irrational fear of brad pitt
Nancy: lol
Nancy: Didn’t they find Margot Kidder laying in someone’s backyard?br/>Bill: maybe in someone else's cardboard box
Nancy: lol
Bill: i don't think they knew who she was until they booked her into psych-central
Nancy: really ..?
Bill: yep ..
Bill: hey, you know, it’s hard for me to imagine brad pitt going for an ex of billy bob thorton
Nancy: are you kidding ..? have you seen them together in mr and mrs smith ..very beautiful
Bill: ok, but a few years ago could you have imagined brad pitt settling for billy bob’s hand-me-downs?
Nancy: LOL !!
Bill: i can just see brad pitt in an interview saying ..oh, i hang out with billy bob so i can score with the chicks he tosses my way
Bill: do you know why her and billy bob split up ..?
Nancy: she wanted kids ... ergo, maddox !!
Bill: maddox ..?
Nancy: that is the cambodian baby boy she adopted .. now 4 ..goes with her everywhere
Bill: i see .. so, you're saying billy bob dumped her?
Bill: who is he seeing now ..? ..halle barry?
Bill: or am i getting movies mixed up with real life
Nancy: you sure are ..she was in monsters ball with him
Bill: wasn’t angelina jolie the psycho blond in 'girl interrupted' ..?
Nancy: Yes. she won an oscar for that performance !!
Bill: so ..billy bob dumped oscar winning psycho blond mrs smith bradgeline ..?
Nancy: lol
Bill: is there any life in jennifer without brad ..?
Nancy: who cares ..i am so tired of her
Bill: ok, now ..who was billy bob thorton married to before?
Nancy: angelina jolie !!
Nancy: she stole him from Laura Dern and there’s a quote from her where she says she would never date a married man ..shit, Dern and he were engaged to be married ..close enough !! so, from that quote, i take it that she and pitt are an item !
Bill: brilliant deduction sherlock
Nancy: lol
Bill: lets see, you got billy bob thorton ..laura dern ..angelina jolie ..jeff goldblum ..geena davis ..brad pitt ..jennifer aniston ..nicole kidman ..katie holmes ..tom cruise ..war of the worlds ..orson wells ..widespread panic
Bill: somehow, when i think of jennifer aniston ..i don't think of Brad Pitt ..i think of lisa kudrow
Bill: and when i think of lisa kudrow ..i think of sally struthers and the children’s crusade ..or margot kidder and the psychiatric ward
Nancy: lol
Bill: i think margot was writing her biography when she began to get paranoid ..her computer contracted a virus ..she panicked ..delusions set in –she fantasized that her first husband was out to kill her, so she left home –and wound up on the streets
Bill: so now, when i think of jennifer ..i picture this homeless person with an irrational fear of brad pitt
Nancy: lol
Nancy: Didn’t they find Margot Kidder laying in someone’s backyard?
Bill: maybe in someone else's cardboard box
Nancy: lol
Bill: i don't think they knew who she was until they booked her into psych-central
Nancy: really ..?
Bill: yep ..
Bill: hey, you know, it’s hard for me to imagine brad pitt going for an ex of billy bob thorton
Nancy: are you kidding ..? have you seen them together in mr and mrs smith ..very beautiful
Bill: ok, but a few years ago could you have imagined brad pitt settling for billy bob’s hand-me-downs?
Nancy: LOL !!
Bill: i can just see brad pitt in an interview saying ..oh, i hang out with billy bob so i can score with the chicks he tosses my way
Bill: do you know why her and billy bob split up ..?
Nancy: she wanted kids ... ergo, maddox !!
Bill: maddox ..?
Nancy: that is the cambodian baby boy she adopted .. now 4 ..goes with her everywhere
Bill: i see .. so, you're saying billy bob dumped her?
Bill: who is he seeing now ..? ..halle barry?
Bill: or am i getting movies mixed up with real life
Nancy: you sure are ..she was in monsters ball with him
Bill: wasn’t angelina jolie the psycho blond in 'girl interrupted' ..?
Nancy: Yes. she won an oscar for that performance !!
Bill: so ..billy bob dumped oscar winning psycho blond mrs smith bradgeline ..?
Nancy: lol
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
An 8 year old boy is brought to the school psychologist. He’s a child prodigy ..plays Bach Piano Concertos from memory. His life revolves around music ..he’s incredibly focused. He practices 6 hours a day on his own ..out of sheer pleasure ..and he would play longer if his mother let him. His teachers ask all the usual questions:
'Is there any danger that he might miss out on regular childhood activities and become anti-social ..?'
'Is third grade going to interfere with his development ..?'
'Is there anything we can learn from him that might help children with attention problems ..?'
Little Jimmy sits on his hands and rocks back and forth ..he doesn’t want to be bothered by all these adult questions. "What would you rather be doing right now Jimmy?" asks the psychologist .
"Playing piano." He responds quickly.
"Ok, what’s the next best thing?"
"S O C C E R ..!" he lights up enthusiastically.
"Who is your favorite soccer player ?"
"Freddy Adu ..he’s awesome !"
"Oh yeah come ?"
"Cuz his favorite movie is Fellowship of the Rings"
"Uh huh ..and what's your favorite movie?"
"Oh, the Rings, I’ve seen it millions of times ..I keep waiting for Sauron to come back *dun dun dun dun dun dun* .."
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Proprioceptive Write
Saturday, June 18, 2005
Gene pool
Monday, June 13, 2005
The Wedge

Friday, June 10, 2005
American Gothic

Bless you Mary Jesus
Wednesday, June 8, 2005
Things to do around Newport Beach
Tuesday, June 7, 2005
Chatting with Anna
Anna: any time i need to see your face ..i just close my eyes and i am taken to a place ..where your crystal mind and magenta feelings ..take up shelter in the base of my spine ..sweet like a chic-a-cherry cola.Anna Palmer
Bill: lets see, that sounds like, uhhh ..savage garden !
Anna: lol of course.
Anna: how have you been doing?
Bill: simply wonderful ..
Anna: thats great!
Anna: mmm mentos. these are addicting ya know!
Bill: yes, but so refreshing
Anna: lol
Bill: what flavor is your mouth ..?
Anna: mmmint
Bill: that’ll clear your head
Anna: yes does
Bill: mr sun is out ..shining all over me
Anna: freaky enough, he's shining over here too ..go figure.
Bill: what a sneaky dude that guy is
Anna: very
Bill: never know when he's gonna show ..
Anna: my shoulder hurts... i think i slept on it funny-ly.
Bill: which is better than sleeping on it serious-ly,
Anna: are you mocking me?! lol
Bill: i don’t know ..does it hurt funny ..?
Anna: lol yes. it hurts funny.
Anna: lalalala i feel like dancing
Bill: *takes anna by the hand and dances*
Anna: *is dancing*
Bill: *blares the music and swoops*
Anna: i've got 462 pageviews!!!
Bill: ok, but i viewed about, oh uh ..450 times
Anna: lol
Bill: ..and i'll keep on viewing
Anna: yay!
Bill: until my vision goes blurry
Anna: lol