"Helena? Did you burn down the fish people's ranch?"
"No .."
..and I believe her
"..a person's approach to sexual behavior and relationships is often already firmly established by the time he or she reaches college ..ameliorative measures at the college level might come years too late. If we want to get it right, we must begin educating them in junior high school about the necessity of affirmative consent. The [best way] to do that is to make it part of the mandatory sex education curriculum." - Dr. Paul R. Abramson
I agree. Our approach to sexual relationships is established well before college, however, I'm not sure classroom instruction is the answer. We're reared in a culture of 'intoxicated sex'. There are few opportunities for young people to meet without ingesting intoxicants to help ease the anxiety of social interaction. I think the Boy's and Girl's club is a better place than sex ed class .. and could be greatly expanded. It's a place where young people can go to meet while doing something other than drinking. I mean activities like video games, dance ..and even ping-pong are far less stressful than High School parties. Classroom instruction often goes out the window in the face of social anxiety. Engaging with others in a more natural setting while learning first-hand the consequences of disrespect and offensive behavior is, in my opinion, a step toward healthier relations ..and possibly away from a culture of intoxicated sex.
I believe we occupy a fortuitous juncture in time and space where the balance of cosmic events favor life as we know it. The planetary whip of the sun and resulting elements of light, mass and energy have come together to form just the right biosphere. Inside the biosphere, a system of sensory processes developed that binds these elements together and give rise to our conscious experience of it.
In addition, cosmology and neuroscience inform us that our conscious experience may be just one in a larger number of universe-like phenomena ..a multi-verse ..where many universe's co-exist (at different junctures) giving rise to different sensory processes. Who says our conscious experience is the only one possible ..? At different junctures - different ways of experiencing may have developed. There's inter-dependance between cosmic development and embryonic development ..and a different narrative begins at each juncture.
I have no idea what I'm talking about ..
The Poker House (2007) a film by Lori Petty with Jennifer Lawrence in her first starring role (x)