We’re sitting outside the Coffee Bean on State Street at noon on Friday. A taxi pulls up and an attractive young Asian lady with smart Samsonite luggage gets out and heads south. I was sitting here last Friday around this time and watched her do the same thing. I didn’t give it much thought ..figuring she just arrived for the weekend ..possibly on the Amtrak from LA ..caught a cab downtown and was heading to a nearby hotel. (I frequently meet friends from LA at the train station on Friday afternoon). Now I’m like wait a minute ..there are no hotels nearby. The closest one is the Californian two blocks away. Why wouldn’t she just take a taxi there ..? I point this out to Anna who suggests the possibility of a romantic rendezvous. I stand up to see where she’s going but she’s already disappeared. “That’s odd” I go “..she couldn’t have gone far ..and we would have seen someone pick her up, no?” Anna says she could have ducked into Pascucci’s. Sure enough, I pass through and spot her having coffee with another Asian woman. O.K ..I figure her friend will take over from here and return to the table. We revise our theory to “visiting her sister ..perhaps a sorority sister.” Every Friday at the same time though ..? Seems like something more work-related. We consider the possibility she’s an airline stewardess on a layover.
“Why don’t you just ask ..(?)”
“No way ..you ask.”
“Not sure I want to get in her face.”
“OK ..we’ll meet here same time next week and see what happens.”
“Someone is probably watching us right now going ‘are they co-workers ..? husband and wife ..? lovers cheating on their husband and wife ..?’ ”
“And what do you suppose that someone is up to?”
Now we’re speculating on the subject of what aliens, looking at us through a high-power telescope, must think we’re up to.