Lately I’ve been noticing how things that come to mind are usually the most likely, useful or routine things ..definitely not the ‘world of possibilities’ I would like to see. Walking along State Street today, I watch a woman in full burka enter a fashion boutique with her husband and child. “They’ll be out in a flash” I suspect. What happens ..? They walk out ten minutes later carrying packages. Farther down the road, I hear what sounds like a Mozart piano concerto. Must be coming from Bloomingdale’s or a coffee shop. Turns out to be a waif sitting on the sidewalk playing an electronic keyboard. I sit and listen. When she’s done I tell her it sounds like she’s ‘classically trained’. I mean it as a compliment. “No, I play by ear.” She says “You mean you learned to play like that by listening to CDs ..?” I ask. “Also by channeling” she replies. She tells me she’s been playing this way since she was four years old. Tonight I’m attending a multi-media performance by Josie Hyde describing her experience at an ‘ayahuasca’ ceremony in the Andes. However, this is not just about her experience ..this is the experience itself ! I feel intoxicated. Like a hole has been punched through the night sky and I catch a glimpse of a universe of possibilities.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Josie Hyde
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Cartel grows
This story is more about my capacity for self-delusion.
DEA agents investigating Cartels growing marijuana on California forestland turned up beer kegs, propane stoves, poachers and fieldworkers living in tents. Many of them weren’t even sure where the hell they were ( “Texas ..?” ). Turns out it wasn’t the Cartels after all. Mostly itinerant farmers all the way from Michoacan who were trying to avoid the Cartels and move closer to market. When I heard this I went “I could have told them that’s well-known that Cartels are more into smuggling than farming” and “Michoacan farmers are the ones with the know-how and perseverance to set up camp and live in the woods like that.” Fact is ..I could have told them nothing of the sort. I’d been following this story and I too believed that Mexican Cartels were infiltrating California. I could of only told them otherwise after they’d already told me. Armed with this new information ..I quickly went back and revised my memory for things I knew before. Kind of like revisionist history me a false sense that ‘I knew it all along’ ..arrogant asshole that I am.
highway one
There is a road / no simple highway / Between the dawn and the dark of night / And if you go / no one may follow / That path is for your steps alone.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
The Jabberwock
“Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
The frumious Bandersnatch!”
Day 19: Whenever I’m practicing progressive relaxation or sitting meditation image of the Jabberwock comes to mind. I frequently remind myself to unclench my jaw and loosen my grip. Noticing change and allowing things to pass without grasping, biting or otherwise judging them as they go. Principles of Vipassana meditation I picked up at a workshop many years ago [link].
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
In 19th Century China, one man claiming to be the brother of Jesus Christ started the Taiping Rebellion ..a bloody civil war, which led to the fall of the last Chinese dynasty. More recently, a fellow by the name of Zhao Weishan founded a movement known as The Eastern Light, which has evolved into a group called The Almighty God. They have over 1 million members and prophesize the end of the world on December 21, 2012. Because China has no established religion, people tend to believe in wild rumors. Sales of survival pods have been brisk. Last Friday, one of their members ran through a schoolyard and slashed 23 schoolchildren with a machete. They attribute this act to someone “ ..under the influence of doomsday beliefs.” I guess delusion knows no boundary.
See Paris in winter
This is the end / Beautiful friend / The end / This is the end / Of our elaborate plans / The end / Of everything that stands / The end
Sunday, December 16, 2012
narrative of cultures
“Our lives, our cultures, are composed of many overlapping stories. Novelist Chimamanda Adichie tells the story of how she found her authentic cultural voice -- and warns that if we grow up hearing only a single story about another person or country, we risk a critical misunderstanding"
Saturday, December 15, 2012
winter coast
The sun is shining
I step into high tide
below Shoreline Park
to see a pod of dolphins
playing out in the kelp
and it’s moments like these
when I don’t believe things
can get a lot better than this
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Beatrix Kiddo
I take a pleasant 4-mile trek from my house to the Martial Arts and Family Fitness Center where I’ve come to see Jen D take her test for the black belt in Hapkido. I arrive and take a seat beside a mat that covers an entire floor of a large industrial-looking room. About halfway through the adult program .. Jen takes a blow to the solar plexus while sparring that staggers her. She taps-out and leaves the mat where she quickly recovers and returns for the next drill. After an hour and a half of takedown drills and spinning kicks designed to disarm her opponent ..her final feat is a flying sidekick, which you have to be there to believe. She takes a running start to gain forward momentum .. goes airborne over three barrels ..and kicks a board that’s three inches thick with the sole of her right foot .. breaking it in half with a resounding crack. It’s not like she has feet made of steel or anything ..but she’s learned to deliver ‘energy’ - created by her weight and momentum - to the soles of her feet at the exact moment of impact. She passes with flying colors. Her Grandmaster tells her to drop the red belt she’s wearing and then he ceremoniously wraps a black belt around her. Now, Jen conveys feelings mostly through her face, which at this moment is beaming red with ecstasy and a smile so large it lights up the room.
Jen D aka Beatrix Kiddo
Friday, December 7, 2012
I think Ricardo mistook the phrase “lets do coffee ..” for “..lets do it tomorrow.” He’s accusing the guy of being a flake because he didn’t show. He goes on to tell me that he’s learned to text blindfolded so he can do it while hiding the cell phone in the pocket of his jacket during class. It almost sounds like he’s backpedaling when he says his friends have a real problem ..they can’t stop texting even when they’re talking to him at lunch. What do I make of this ..? I think he wants to impress me with his cleverness but at the same time make sure I don’t get the wrong idea ..he’s not like the other kids his age. It sounds that way because I don’t have a stereotype of other kids his age. I figure it feels to him like he’s talking to one of his parents when he’s talking to me because he’s still in high school and everything. Not sure I can level the playing field. Too tired to try really. Oh well, doesn't make that much difference.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Monday, December 3, 2012
record collector
The Santa Ynez Valley
/ But my blue eyes cannot see / That their real hue's probably green / I should keep records of these things / And I'll know what yesterday brings
Saturday, December 1, 2012
proprioceptive entry
Cleansing my palate by sucking on a lemony-flavored ricola and washing it down with warm water. Asking myself what’s worth writing about ..weighing the alternatives like I usually do ..obsessing about what others might think. What sounds cool is the big question. Like the characters in a Tom Wolfe novel ..constantly imagining the impression I leave with others ..and like those characters ..getting it wrong most of the time. When I think I look cool I probably come across more like an egotistical jerk. Now I’m reminding myself to behave in a more yielding manner, which is a topic for another time. Stop. Now I’m struggling with a short list of topics to write about ..people of interest to me own ‘explanatory style’ ..what do I mean by explanatory style ..? Looking at the narrative I use to explain what’s been happening in my life. Like when I blow off practice or a social event it because I’m lazy, timid, neurotic? Slack by nature? Are these the reasons I have this gnawing feeling of discontentment ..? And are these the reasons I’ll be forever doomed to feelings of discontentment ..?
Proprioceptive writing is a practice I learned at an Esalen workshop~> [ link ]
Friday, November 30, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Sampling Amsterdam
Coral Reefer reporting from Amsterdam: “ the Cannabis Cup they’re presenting marijuana from different coffee shops around town”
This morning I go out on the deck to take breakfast and meet someone I don’t think I’ve ever met before. I live off the beaten path and you almost have to know where your going to get here I’m not sure. He’s sitting comfortably with his legs out-stretched looking disarming enough. Mid-twenties, short hair, clean-shaven ..wearing freshly washed Diesel jeans and high-top Nike basketball shoes. He was on his way to stay with his sister and decided to take an alternate route. It narrows into a private road so he ducks into a driveway. The driveway ends at a creek where he sees my deck. His knee hurts so he finds a place to sit. Now he’s apologizing profusely for the intrusion ..and for just about every other word coming out of his mouth. He’s up on his feet but I see he’s favoring the left leg and looks kinda’ disoriented. I invite him to stay and offer him some coffee. He tells me his knee got tweaked in an accident and he was in the hospital. He’s here due to an unfortunate series of events. He lost his job ..lost his apartment ..lost his girlfriend and crashed his truck he walks everywhere he goes. He’s local and I suspect there’s nothing in his background to prepare him for what’s going to happen next. He says his greatest fear is how other people are going to judge him for the situation he’s in. So he keeps walking.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Cafe in Amsterdam
Coral Reefer reporting from Amsterdam “Purchased some imported Moroccan hash at The Other Side for €10/gram. The quality imported hash selection in Amsterdam is something we just don’t have in the United States.”
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Friday, November 16, 2012
Willingness to yield
Occupational therapy:
“Jen, is it really necessary for me to take a behind-the-wheel test for the 6-week follow-up ..?”
“Well, it is optional but it’ll help make a better case to present the DMV ..”
This is where I cut her off to explain ‘the agreement’
“Dr Bryson said she was going to wait for the 6-week follow-up before deciding whether she even needs to notify the DMV ..”
“Well, any doctor can notify the DMV anytime ..”
“Yeah, but we agreed ..”
“Let me explain how it works ..”
“Wait, first let me explain the agreement ..”
“I think I need to tell you how it works first ..”
I sense things getting a little edgy and now I forget who actually went first but I blame myself for not being more ‘yielding’. Jen has no idea about a verbal agreement I made as an inpatient, which is an exception to the way it works. But if I'd given her a chance to explain how it works, I’d have understood hat it’s totally up to the whim of the doctor and nothing I could say was really going to matter much. Not even the agreement. It’s out of our hands and that’s good enough for me ..yielding soul I aspire to be.
![]() |
Jen Therapist Extraordinaire |
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Planet Hollywood
She’s a clear signal appearing in the center of noisy space. Everything else gets pushed to the edges. When she laughs ..she takes command of the place without even trying. I can see people frozen in the distance. Like a deer caught in the headlights am I. When we talk ..her attention is mine. I can feel the warmth of its glow. When she leaves ..there’s a wake in the fabric that the rest of the world falls into. Fortunately there’s a trace or her that persists until next time ..making me feel more at home on this planet.
Friday, November 9, 2012
Crime Scene Investigation
I’ve got my trekking poles and I’m heading down side streets to Trader Joe’s on Milpas. I pass by Tom and Michaels’ but I don’t see them around and I don’t want to stop and break my stride. I see women’s softball practice at the high school and I do stop and break my stride. The shortstop has a mean throw to first. Farther along I see a poster for a play at the Marjorie Luke Theater saying Crime Scene Investigation – Fairy Tale Unit ‘where the justice system is represented by two separate but equally ridiculous groups’ ..which makes me laugh. Sounds pretty satirical for middle school. I drop by Vera’s salon and say ‘hi’ just before a group of kids come bursting through the door. Puts a smile on my face. I wind up buying more than my pack will hold at Trader Joe’s so a crew member calls a taxi. Now I’m standing at a bus stop waiting for a taxi, the irony of which is not lost on me. Next time this happens I’m taking the bus!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Monday, November 5, 2012
“The cerebral cortex, of all parts of the central nervous system, must be regarded as the most plastic in recent evolution, reflecting new behavioral requirements of niches carved out by increasingly complex relations between predator and prey, and the increasing demands for more subtle relationships within the species.” Harting (1973)I have a theory. I believe present-day verbal abilities are an extension of our sense of tracking in the wild. Our female ancestors must have found a way to code and convey this experience before their young hit the road on their own and either got lost or devoured. A test of concept would be to see if a short course in wilderness tracking offered by Outward Bound significantly improves verbal skills. I don’t expect it will do much for phonics or vocabulary but it may help students track and comprehend discourse better as well as improve their ability to speak and write coherently. Although these skills may seem dissimilar on the surface ..they do share some common components of cognition. They both require attention, orientation and ‘signal detection’ .. or the ability to focus and distinguish between relevant and irrelevant/distracting information. Granted outdoor tracking is largely ‘spatial’ and ‘visual’ while language is ‘conceptual’ and ‘auditory’ .. the cerebral cortex responsible for conceptual thought did evolve from the sensory areas of the brain, which in humans is largely visual. Anyway, it’s just a theory.
Friday, November 2, 2012
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Flickering memory
I’ve discovered that I can remember movies I watched prior to 1995 almost verbatim, however, any movie released after that, I can watch repeatedly and it’s almost like seeing it for the first time. I admit that I sometimes sit halfway through a film before realizing I’ve seen it before ..maybe even more than once. For instance, I saw ‘Body Double’ last night ...not having seen it since way back in 1985. I could remember the ending quite clearly and anticipate just about every scene ..and almost every line. However, I’ve been watching ‘The Lincoln Lawyer’ over and over again with equal surprise and I’m never quite sure how it’s going to end. Go figure. Could be early onset Alzheimer’s. Could be the primacy effect where movies I saw closer to the onset of video were just more novel ..until about 1995 when the novelty wore off and I became accustomed to watching hundreds of videos a week with little recollection. In either case ..I’m having a lot less difficulty picking out videos to see for the first time these days.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Someone told me about ‘grounding exercises’ the other day. I think they may be useful as a memory aid. I guess another term for it would be ‘focusing’. She said the way to hold a moment in your head for more than a fraction of an instant is to list a few details that you see and a few details that you hear, smell and feel. She hikes so she gave me this example. Watch the trail moving beneath your feet ..notice the flowers that grow on the side. Listen to the sound your boot makes hitting the ground ..even notice the silence in between. Notice the smell of the trees and the dust. Feel of the sun on your skin and the passing shade of trees. Or, if you’re like me .. notice the feeling of the ground on the soles of your boots (or running shoes) .. which is something I’ve been working on in outpatient. Don’t know any studies that back this up but it sounds credible enough.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Tree of life
Down down cut me down so I can lie on familiar ground / I've witnessed all that you ignore / and I don't wanna see it no more / Hold on steady and plunge it deep / I’m more than ready for the secrets I keep / Think you sit upon my grave but I'll be here / when your children rule the day ~ KT Tunstall
Monday, October 29, 2012
Out of my face
Now wait a minute stranger / I'm not sure I like your angle / My manner is a matter of taste / So I gotta go, whoa / get out of my face ~ Lissie
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Monday, October 22, 2012
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Story by Lao Tzu
A man discovered that his axe was missing, and he suspected his neighbor's son. The boy walked like a thief, looked like a thief, and spoke like a thief.A few days later, the man found his ax under some leaves by the garden shed, and the next time he saw his neighbor's son, the boy walked, looked, and spoke like any other child.
note: this is the reason why I try not to take things personally ..other peoples' misperceptions have nothing to do with who I am.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Friday, October 19, 2012
Four and a half billion years ago, a celestial female body named Theia crashed into the male body ProtoEarth. The remaining debris gave rise to the moon Selene. Looking back, astronomers have tried to piece together the whole story surrounding this cosmic event. Given the discursive nature of the analytic mind, one story split into three:
- Theia crashed into ProtoEarth and Theia was obliterated. Her remnants were reconstituted as Selene..our moon.
- Theia crashed into ProtoEarth and both were obliterated. Remnants of the two constitute the moon Selene.
- Theia crashed and merged with ProtoEarth. A vapor trail created in the heat of the union coalesced into the moon Selene.
Given the interpretative nature of the mind; I’ve heard each possibility extended into a lengthy discourse regarding the human condition. I just want to take a moment and pay homage to Selene as she appears in the night sky
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Want to get it all behind me / you know everything reminds me / I can be myself without you / whenever I set out running / Past the city houses / And the ditches on the highway / Under the bridges in valleys / Out on the open prairie / ’Cause I just can't shake this feeling / That I’m nothing in your eyes ~ Neko Case
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Across the sky
See beyond the moment / think beyond the day / love goes on / but time does not return again / it’s cast away / across the sky / I will come for you / if you ask me to / observe your dreams / stranger things come true / if you ask them to ~ Emilie Autumn
God's country
Desert rose / I saw a desert rose / beneath a desert sky / where rivers run / but soon run dry / sleep comes like a drug / in God's Country / glad eyes crooked poses / in God's Country
Monday, October 15, 2012
St Vincent
well, we know where we’re going / but we don’t know where we’ve been / and we know what we're knowing / but we can’t say what we’ve seen / we’re on a road to nowhere / come on inside / taking that ride to nowhere / we'll take that ride (lyrics by Talking Heads)
Saturday, October 13, 2012
A parable
Once upon a time in a world not long ago ..a succession of countries held sway over the planet. A great war ensued and two countries were left standing. The two countries remained in contention for nearly half a century. Then one let it’s infrastructure decay and economy falter while pouring it’s national treasure into the military. They became stuck in an unending war in Afghanistan. The other country watched in amazement while their former adversary became weaker and weaker and then totally disintegrated. Amazement gave way to arrogance. Arrogance gave way to recklessness and they made the most puzzling decision. They chose to follow the same path that lead to the downfall of their former adversary. Moral …? I guess strength doesn’t always override poor decision-making.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Hot and sour soup
“By the end of the century the oceans will become hot, sour and breathless.” ~ French oceanographer Jean-Pierre Gattuso
The West Coast already provides a jarring glimpse of this. Acidic waters from the deep ocean slosh onto the continental shelf off of California and Oregon. Acidic waters melt away the bottom rungs of the food chain that nourish salmon and other fish. Rising acidity is also toxic to fish larvae and can bring on bizarre behavior. It scrambles the senses of the orange-and-white clown fish making them vulnerable to predators. It’s already looking like the beginning of the end of the seafood industry in California. Ask any salmon fisherman
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Sun Tzu
“Knowing yourself and your adversaries is the surest path to victory / knowing yourself but not your adversaries is a less certain path to victory / not knowing yourself nor your adversaries is the surest path to defeat.”
I guess that means the one with better information wins ..
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
better times
Better times collide with now / moving faster than the speed of gravity / faster than you and me / and better times / are coming still ~ Neko Case
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Further on
The remaining members of the Grateful Dead are playing at the Bowl tonight. Fortunately they’re the key members. I can smell ganja from my deck. I grab my hiking poles and head toward Anapamu to watch the revelry. Now I’m part of the revelry. I’m sitting on my neighbor’s lawn with some kids from out of town ..Andy, Emilie, Jeff and Zak. Andy, 25, has shoulder-length hair and a beard. He looks kind of like George Harrison in the day. He's been following the reformed Dead since 2005. He knows a lot more about them than I do ..including their inception-to-date history and current constitution. He tells me who’s playing tonight .. how he first saw them on tour with a guitarist from the Allmann Brothers band ..and who the members were when I was following them in the early seventies. He also knows more about the neuro-active properties of hallucinogens than I do. Something I kinda’ thought was my area of expertise. I tell him I’m looking for marijuana that’s high in cannabidiols (CBD’s). He tells me I’m looking for Cannabis indica. It’s got a higher CBD-to-THC concentration than Cannabis sativa. He asks me what I used to do for a living. I tell him I once worked in the field of regenerative medicine. He tells me how current studies show that psilocybin facilitates neuro-regeneration by flooding the brain with information. Sounds reasonable I say. Then Zak tells me about studies that show how it was probably part of our evolution ..responsible for the development of the neocortex. Our ancestors ingested the ’shrooms they found growing on piles of dung. I’m impressed. I tell them I think kids like them are the future of this planet. Before I leave they hand me a package. At home I open it and I find a pipe packed with hashish. Well, bless their sweet little hearts ..!
Crazy cat peekin through a lace bandanna / Like a one-eyed cheshire, like a diamond-eye jack / A leaf of all colors plays a golden-string fiddle / To a double-e waterfall over my back.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
sisters of mercy
O the sisters of mercy they are not departed or gone. They were waiting for me when I thought that I just can't go on. And they brought me their comfort and later they brought me this song. O I hope you run into them you who've been traveling so long.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Desert tune
We were talking / About the space between us all /
And the people who hide themselves behind a wall of illusion
Thursday, September 27, 2012
sphere of interpretation
Life as we know it
takes place in a sphere.
A sphere of our own making.
Seldom do we catch a glimpse
of the world outside this sphere.
Interpretation happens too quickly.
So I call it a sphere of interpretation.
takes place in a sphere.
A sphere of our own making.
Seldom do we catch a glimpse
of the world outside this sphere.
Interpretation happens too quickly.
So I call it a sphere of interpretation.
Part One: I have a theory. We frequently mis-perceive the intentions of others ..and when we do, we generally err on the side of malfeasance. But we are multi-dimensional beings. There are so many reasons why we act the way we do. Most of the time they're hidden from view. Settling on one reason too quickly can be a source of misunderstanding and conflict. I believe choosing the more malicious of possibilities is learned. After I presented my theory at a workshop on defensiveness ..I was told by a group of educators that the theme of so much literature children read involves something like “the wicked prince secretly conspired to kill his sibling rivals for the throne.” The message kids come away with is .. beware! Safe as it may sound ..there is a downside. Misperception can be cause for alarm and defensiveness. Compound misperception is a source of stress. We live in a sphere of chronic anxiety. Our leaders know this. It can also be a source of deception. But that’s another story. Neuroscience informs us that vision is selective and verbal communication probabilistic. Memory plays a significant role in binding visual and verbal cues into a ‘percept’ of ‘why and what-for’. Past history fills-in what’s hidden from view. They tell us about two-thirds of what we see and hear at any given moment is not what’s in front of us, but rather what memory supplies.. It compensates for the shortcomings of our senses and gives our perception the appearance of seamlessness. But memory is a faulty and imperfect guide to perception. And because it makes everything appear so seamless, we’re not always aware of our own contribution to everyday encounters. Continued here ~> [ Part Two ]
sphere of interpretation
Part Two: To remedy this and remind myself that I’m living in a sphere ..I subscribe to the empty rowboat theory of Buddhism. It’s comes in a parable that goes something like this:
“Imagine we are out on a lake and it’s a bit foggy ..not too foggy, but just a bit foggy. We are rowing along in our little boat having a good time. And then, all of a sudden, coming out of the fog, there’s this other rowboat and it’s heading right at us. And ..crash! For an instant we’re alarmed ..then we get really angry – what is that fool doing ? I just painted my boat! And here he comes – crash! – right into it. And then suddenly we notice that the rowboat is empty. What happens to our anger? It collapses. I’ll just have to paint my boat again, that’s all. But if that rowboat that hit ours had another person in it, how would we react?”
Now they say the same holds true for everyday encounters with people and events. It’s like being bumped by an empty rowboat. But I don’t experience life that way. I experience it as though there are people in that other rowboat who are out to get me. I’m seeing things through a sphere of interpretation. Since I rarely catch a glimpse of events as they occur .. I populate them with people and beliefs from my own experience. Now I’m not saying I take a Pollyanna approach to all such encounters. However, reminding myself of the empty rowboat theory is part of a practice that I find useful in tuning down some of the buzz that goes on inside the sphere where I live.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
West Coast E Street
She’s still surfing Lower Trestles ~ Orange sunshine always burned in her veins ~ Now I hear she's got a house in Fairview ~ And a style she’s trying to maintain ~ Well, if she wants to see me ~ You can tell her that I'm easily found ~ There’s a spot beneath the bridge ~ Under the tracks on the edge of town
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Arctic transformation
I think the oil boom in Wainwright Alaska will definitely make converts out of the Inupiat Eskimos who live there. They subsist largely off the bounty of the ocean. In one generation, a population of fish-eaters will become sugar-and-burger-eaters. Their health will deteriorate and they’ll lose their teeth. They have co-existed with the ice and tundra for thousands of years .. providing them with a precarious but steady supply of salmon, caribou and wild berries. Drilling operations will drive fish farther out to sea and excavating operations will plough-up the tundra driving caribou elsewhere and burying whatever edible plants and berries exist. The tundra never comes back. Shell Oil Co. hosted a kick-off event serving hamburgers and beans and boasting economic progress. Next they’ll be building roads, hotels, strip malls, bars, brothels and Burger Kings. I think the flood of strangers will turn out to be more toxic than the release of hydrocarbons.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Be it sight, sound, smell, or touch
Something inside retains so much
The sight of a touch or the scent of a sound
Or the strength of an oak with roots deep in the ground
The wonder of flowers to be covered and then burst up
Through tarmac to the sun again
Or to fly to the sun without burning a wing
To lie in a meadow and hear the grass sing
To have all these things in our memory stored
And we use them to help us ..
Moody Blues
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Neurolinguistic programming
Hackers are sending messages over the Internet that bypass the usual centers for linguistic processing. They travel along the optic or auditory nerve and go directly into the deep structures of the brain ..those areas responsible for carrying-out parsing operations native to all languages. These messages arrive in their native state ..just out of the reach of the predicates of logic. Like a Trojan horse ..they deliver instructions that basically shred conditioned passageways in the brain, which causes the recipient to start raving incoherently. Like a virus .. anyone hearing the ravings of this lunatic will also be infected ..experience a similar mental disruption and start raving and spreading the virus to others. This isn’t new. 12th century practitioners of the Kabbalah realized the hypnotic power of messages that were composed of symbols taken from sacred texts. I have the Book of the Names on my shelf. It frightens me to take it down because when I do ..I lose hours, even days out of my life and I never know where I’ll end up. Click below and see.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
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