Tropical storm Laura passed through town today ~ in her hand was a pre-paid attorney's plan. Looks like someone's in for trouble ~ I’m not going to go into that now however. We had breakfast at IHOP. Although she prefers the hot salsa heuvos rancheros at Rose’s ~ so do I for that matter ~ my stomach won’t allow it. Afterwards we collapse into lounge chairs on the deck ~ she plays a CD she bought from a singer she saw performing at the airport in Austin ~ Amanda Lepre ~ a folk rock artist who plays a mean guitar [see video below]. We talk about life in Austin ~ and how US drug policies are turning her trips to Mexico into some kind of obstacle course ~ where military checkpoints send her back and forth to get the proper visas and identification to continue her trip south to the town of Monterrey ~ where she was born and raised for god-sake.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
There and back
I walk a lot ~ Arroyo beach is only ten minutes by car ~ Romero canyon fifteen ~ where I go depends on my mood ~ it doesn’t matter to my dog ~ both places are pretty cool. One day I wondered what it would be like to just walk out the door ~ and keep going. I found trails leading up the steep hills behind me ~ some great athletic fields at the high school down the road ~ and a whole new world of smells for my dog. So today, we head for the hills ~ pass the funky little houses ~ say hello to Marlene ~ and run into Hawaiian Joe ~ we share a little smoke ~ he heads home ~ and I change my mind and head for the high school ~ figuring it’s flatter and better suited to my revised condition. I walk across the athletic fields ~ and do a 100 yard dash across the spongy grass of the football field ~ going “hey, this isn’t so bad ..!” I run up and down the bleachers a few times ~ sit on the rim ~ and it occurs to me, the way things do when I’m high ~ the reason I love coming here is because it feels so liberating ~ I’m not confined to a narrow trail ..! I take a 360 degree look around ~ and there are, like, more than a dozen different directions I can go ~ each one an interesting way back home. There are woodsy areas ~ funky little residential alleyways ~ and it blows me away. I’m stoked by the opportunities afforded me when I’m not behind the wheel of an automobile.
Friday, July 18, 2008
The telephone wakes me ~ Roman says he found a sweet deal on PC’s ~ Dell has lowered the price of desktops with XP ~ which is good to hear because Adobe CS 2 won’t run on Vista ~ and I’m a cheap bastard ~ I tell him to email me the quotes and hang up. I’m drifting back to sleep when I wake with a jolt ~ I forgot to check-in for jury duty last night ~ so I’m dialing and hoping they don’t do jury selection on Friday’s ~ they tell me to report at 8:30 ~ it’s almost 8:00. I pop a couple vitamin C ~ walk down Anapamu street (because it’s closer than parking) ~ stop at Starbucks ~ enter the courtroom and sit in a panel so large, I wonder if Michael Jackson is back in town. They tell me it’s gonna be a three month trial ~ I tell them I have workshops scheduled in October and I’m excused. I go to the library to read the paper and I meet someone named Morris. He’s talking with clients and members of his technical staff on a laptop. We go outside and chat ~ he’s riding a recumbent bike and I go: “are you on the road ..?” and he goes: “no, the high seas”. I find out that his boat is moored in the harbour for repairs and next week he’s sailing to San Francisco to meet with clients in the bay area. I’m like: “looks like you’ve taken the place out of workplace” ~ and he’s like: “ ..yeah, I’ve taken the work out of it too.”
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Shoot out
When I hear about innocent people getting gunned down on the streets of a border-town (see Ciudad Juarez) ..I don’t immediately think of ‘those damn drug traffickers’ ..I think of the US legislators who persist in keeping drug laws on the books ..making smuggling a high risk venture ..commanding high prices for it’s contraband .. enriching drug lords so they can afford private armies to protect their ‘illicit’ enterprise .. and out-gun local law enforcement officials in charge of fighting this fruitless war on drugs. I don’t think it’s the bullet that kills’s a chain of command that begins at the head.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Images flash by like scenes from Mad Hatter’s ride ~ one moment we’re sitting on a bluff overlooking the ocean ~ next moment we’re swimming through a school of silver fish ~ we dry out on a sandy beach and follow the strand toward State Street ~ inline skaters streak by leaving jet trails behind ~ outdoor vendors fill the marketplace ~ selling strawberries the size of pomegranates ~ everyone smiles as they pass by ~ discount dude offers me a deal I can’t refuse ~ I look around but Jim’s disappeared ~ a group of performers, dressed like wolves, are creeping up the street ~ they got silver hair, spiky teeth, pointy finger nails and long coat tails ~ handing out free CD’s by a group called Jezebel ~ one comes up to me licking blood off of her fingers ~ Jim pulls me away ~ and we enter a theater under renovation ~ on stage a woman, wearing a long black dress and work boots, plays Mozart on the violin ~ next, we're sitting on the pier at midnight ~ playing chess ~ drinking wine ~ slamming pieces down and hurling insults each time.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Johnny is a successful entrepreneur ~ he had an idea ~ took it to investors and attorneys ~ and created one of the first online social networks for entrepreneurs like himself ~ however, you won’t find him on there ~ he’s uncomfortable with people ~ except when collaborating on a project ~ then he’s awesome ~ I got to know John a bit ~ he’s pretty accessible ~ I was surprised to learn that both his parents were drunks ~ it reminded me of how some kids learn to live inside their heads ~ where they calmly sit and watch shit pass ~ and they learn that shit always passes ~ and finding a safe point of re-entry is most assured ~ so they move in and out of both worlds without much difficulty.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Fire update
The monks are doing well today ~ tired but well ~ it's hot and windy ~ and they’re on constant fire watch. Funny, they say they're under mandatory evacuation orders ~ as well as hard road closures (?!) ~ which means that, even if they wanted to ~ they're not getting out ~ and no one is getting in ~ they have plenty of supplies ~ the water system has been slightly damaged, but they are getting 5 gallons a day from it which is enough. I sit and think they're going to be OK.
Click on photo to enlarge.Report from Tassajara. Photo courtesy of ZenCenter.
Friday, July 11, 2008
The atmosphere is still unstable ~ winds shift and flames whip around the Zen center from all sides ~ things may be quiet on the coast ~ but not for the monks at Tassajara ~ unsure which direction the fire will advance ~ they have strategically placed foam packs and sprinklers on the roof ~ jury-rigged from garden supplies the week before ~ but the fire breaches the perimeter on the north side ~ torching the bird house, a compost shed, a wood shed and the pool bathroom ~ the radio-phone and half of the lower garden are also destroyed ~ the sprinkler system keeps working ~ humidity arrives ~ and the flames retreat ~ sparing the rest of the monastery ~ so the monks take refuge ~ for now anyway.
Click on photo to enlarge.
Reports from Steve Harper on the coast and the monks at Tassajara ~ Photo courtesy of ZenCenter
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Cyber space
I instant message a group of friends ~ we meet on MySpace ~ go to MyRoom ~ watch videos on YouTube ~ drink a case of Ethernet beer ~ and watch our blood alcohol levels sky-rocket on a WindowsIndexBox. After crushing beer cans on top of our avatar-image heads ~ we stumble down MyStreet ~ hijack a transport pod ~ take it to ~ blow up a couple of virtual oil tankers (you can actually do that) ~ then watch gas prices soar on a WindowsIndexBox. We lay down on a sandy beach ~ and listen to Priscilla Ahn play the ukulele song on iTunes. I feel wasted and I can't find my way home.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Frontier logic
When the Big Sur fire burned down to ‘Apple Pie Ridge’ ~ just above town ~ a couple of locals stopped it. The Curtis brothers set a controlled burn which saved their home ~ and created a firebreak that spared the town. A fire captain told them they did a great job ~ a crew chief said their work was ‘awesome’ ~ then a forestry official had them arrested ~ saying only firefighters are allowed to do that. Now, I’m no Joe-Frontiersman ~ but I think the Curtis brothers had it right ~ if there’s a fire threatening my house ~ and no firefighters around to save it ~ I believe that makes me the Deputy.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Local circuit
I duck down a side-street ~ past a row of funky-looking bungalows that lead to the County Bowl (SB’s Greek theater) ~ along the way I stop and chat with Marlene who tells me she saw the Alison Krause/Robert Plant show ~ and boy did they sound sweet ~ I go to the new Bowl entrance ~ that replaced the old chain-link fence ~ that I could get in to ~ but not anymore ~ everything’s wrought-iron and stone now ~ no big deal ~ I’ll go to the football field ~ I pass the adobe box office ~ where LucindaWilliamsBenHarperBlackCrowes catch my eye ~ then across a busy street ~ through the tennis courts ~ up to the high school ~ across the round-about in front of the stately-looking building ~ where I locate the path to the stadium ~ which looks like a bowl too ~ I jog across the spongy field ~ up and down a few steps ~ sit on the rim ~ catch my breath ~ watch the sunset ~ feel a sundowner wind ~ see smoke coming from the canyon ~ and wonder when I’ll run into Roberto again.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Fire update
Steve Harper in Big Sur says that the drizzle they were expecting this morning did not come ~ he’s disappointed but goes on to say: “I ~ as much as anyone ~ knows that nature will do what nature does ~ it’s not personal ~ except for the consequences ..” The Monterey Herald says the Big Sur fire grew significantly overnight ~ a thick blanket of fog and smoke covers the town today ~ and there’s no let-up in sight ~ no more properties were lost but the density of undergrowth keeps the fire moving closer to town ~ “sending forest creatures running to the ocean for cover.” Gordon Wheeler at Esalen says: “Big Sur is not just a place ~ it’s a state of mind ~ a spiritual essence that people feel ~ and that fire cannot destroy.” The monks at Tassajara say the fire hasn't moved much closer to them ~ and it’s a cool morning ~ a fire incident report says: ‘Isolated pockets of surface fire with occasional tree torching and moderate behavior due to higher relative humidity.’ A Zen practitioner says: “ has always been part of the karma of Big Sur’s a perpetual cycle of cleansing and renewal.” In Santa Barbara, the sundowner winds arrived last night causing the fire to grow to about 5,400 acres ~ this morning it was so fierce that firefighters had to take refuge in the homes they were fighting to defend ~ it is burning in a canyon full of century old chaparral ~ 15-20 feet tall ~ I like to tell my neighbors we’re breathing the ashes of our ancestors ~ they just look at me funny.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Fire update
The sundowner wind didn’t develop last night ~ thank goodness ~ but the fire doubled in size ~ it’s about 2,400 acres now ~ I detect a slight onshore breeze ~ which is a good sign ~ the weather forecast says that ‘monsoonal moisture’ is a possibility ~ an even better sign ~ I go online to check on my friends in Big Sur ~ Steve Harper says 3 houses were lost last night above Ventana inn ~ and the fire burned down to apple pie ridge ~ but locals managed to stop it ~ then an amazing thing happened, he says ~ the forecast changed drastically from what was predicted ~ and from what is normal ~ to a slight chance of drizzle tonight and tomorrow ~ with marine air coming from the west and northwest ~ which is good new for the folks in Big Sur ~ but bad news for the monks at Tassajara Monastery ~ where the winds could push the fire deeper into the wilderness ~ and closer to them ~ and I’m like ‘sure hope the drizzle Steve sees on the coast travels far enough inland to reach the monastery’ ~ meanwhile, I’m sitting under dark amber-orange smoke ~ that’s billowing ~ getting darker ~ and covering the sky ~ because the wind has shifted direction in the time that I’ve been sitting here ~ it's turned from an onshore breeze into a ‘Santa Ana’ condition ~ blowing from the mountains to the sea ~ and turning daytime into nighttime a lot earlier than usual ~ it looks like Armageddon ~ I am outta here.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Fire update
I’m getting news about the Big Sur fire from a laptop on my deck ~ the Monterey Herald says hundreds have fled their homes as flames blaze out-of-control ~ my friend Steve Harper says neighbors were calmly evacuated so fire fighters could do a controlled burn ~ another friend, Bill Herr, says he could see flames above Esalen for the first time ~ and an occasional pine combust into a tower of fire ~ and John Callaghan just learned that sheriffs have served mandatory evacuation orders ~ everybody must be out by 6 in the morning ~ and at Tassajara, monks say the fire is still burning but hasn’t gotten any closer ~ I look away from the laptop ~ and realize the sun has been blotted out by a dark shade of amber ~ and I’m like what the fuck ~ I shake my head hoping my eyes are playing tricks on me ~ showing after-images of the Big Sur fire that I’ve just spent the morning watching ~ no such luck ~ I call Michael who says there’s a fire burning above Santa Barbara ~ Glen Annie Canyon in Goleta to be exact ~ and a Sundowner wind is expected tonight ~ like a Santa Ana wind in LA ~ it’ll blow hot air and fire out of the canyons and down the coastal side of the mountains where all the homes are ~ so it looks like I’ll be spending the night tracking wind reports ~ because I certainly won’t be getting any sleep.
Image: Smoke over rooftops in Santa Barbara