When I was about twelve, my parents put a book on the shelf titled ‘Human Sexuality’. They knew that I would read everything I could get my hands on ..so, I guess they figured I’d stumble across this soon or later. When I took it upstairs, I found out it was really a book of ‘erotica’ thinly disguised as a ‘sex-ed’ book. Very thinly. Must of slipped by my folks. I went to the section titled ‘Preventing Pregnancy’. The first chapter covered the proper use of a condom. It was an excerpt from a Mae West biography. She describes having sex with a stranger she meets in a hotel elevator. They fuck from dinner time that evening ..to way past lunch time the next day ..without sleep. They went through 31 condoms ..31. She had room service deliver them. She says it was the most incredible sex she ever had. So, what did I learn. Thirty-one orgasms was probably not what I could normally expect ..but it was possible. The next chapter, appropriately titled ‘chapter 69’ ..explained what to do if contraceptives weren’t an option. A newlywed couple couldn’t afford to have children right away ..but they were catholic and contraceptives weren't allowed. They try abstinence but the husband is going crazy ..dry humping every piece of furniture in the apartment. After a couple glasses of wine one night he tries putting it in her ass while she’s bending over to pick something up off the bedroom floor ..she goes ballistic ..screaming incoherently ..he winds up sleeping on the couch for a week ..and now has to give up alcohol as well. The wife confides their situation to a female co-worker ..who gives her a French book on the delicacies of oral sex. Liberation!!! (This was before the American sexual revolution). Now they’re eating each other with wild abandon ..on every surface ..in every room ..on the table ..under the table ..licking wine off of each other ..calling in sick ..and ordering Chinese a lot. What did I learn from this. Anal sex was like being reamed with a hot poker ..and can lead to insanity ..(?) but more importantly ..I needed to learn as much as possible about oral sex.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Olympic spirit
Jim came over today and so we watched the Olympics together. I was really blown away by women’s figure skating ..it was inspiring ..they nailed the ‘compulsories’ with abandon ..like they had no fear. I remarked how ‘Zen-like’ it all seemed. “What are you talking about..?” Jim asked. “Well, they all seem to be skating in the moment." “Bill, what you’re saying has nothing to do with Olympic competition ..it’s all about conditioning ..physical conditioning.” “You don’t think there’s a mental side to it ..?” “Well, yeah ..their routines are committed to memory ..but that’s what conditioning is all about.” “Then why do skaters sometimes skate way beyond their level of training ..?” “They have a good day, they take chances and get lucky ..who knows.” “I’ll tell you why ..‘inspiration’ ..it’s not something they do ..it’s something they tap into ..like Zen.” “Bill, this is the Olympics ..not new age philosophy. You know what’s really destroying the Olympics these days .. snowboarding ..ever since they got into it ..competition has gotten shabby ..the Olympics are definitely not what they used to be.” “Oh yeah ..? What’s wrong with snowboarding ..?” "Their hair is too long ..their clothes are too baggy ..and they talk like they’re from Huntington Beach ..you know ..down by the wharf. This one guy was wearing an IPod during competition the other day ..for chrissake.”
Jim is generally a progressive thinker ..but there are some traditions he doesn't like to see messed with .. the Kentucky Derby ..and the Olympics. As for me, I love snowboarding events ..particularly because of their hair ..the baggy clothes they wear ..and the way they talk. I think half-pipe is awesome.
Monday, February 20, 2006
Olympic fringe

I usually don’t watch TV ..not even the Olympic games ..unless something compelling draws me to them ..like a human survival story ..someone who had to overcome more than the usual amount of adversity to get there ..during the last winter Olympics it was alpine skier Janica Kostelic ..who had to practice in Croatia during wartime ..which meant driving from mountain to mountain and sleeping in her car to avoid getting hit by bombs. Ski lifts weren’t operating ..so she got her exercise climbing back up the slope after each downhill run. She won 2 medals that year ..a gold and a silver ..she’s already won gold this year. Definitely certifiable. Now I’m intrigued by women’s freestyle skier Alisa Camplin (pictured) ..she’s had more injuries than a football player ..more concussions than a quarterback. If she were a football player ..her career would have been over a long time ago. Last October she blew out her knee for the 2nd time in like as many years ..only this time it wasn't likely to hold up for the winter games. To accelerate the recovery process, doctors rebuilt her knee in a way you won’t find in medical journals. “I’m a bit of a walking research project” she says. She’s competing tomorrow in the aerial events .. a mixture of downhill skiing and acrobatics ..catching big air and doing quadruple twisting turning double somersaults ..things like that. Oh, and they say she's not a very good skier. She didn't learn until she was 19. She must be an incredible acrobat then. I’m definitely not going to miss this.
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Stream of consciousness

I am getting ready to go for a hike ..and I already feel tired ..feels like I’m putting on a space suit ..I got the thermal layer on ..middle layer ..and outer shell. I go downstairs ..and into the entry hall ..everything is spinning. I step out on the porch ..lace up my boots ..seal the hatch ..and start walking. I feel the ground beneath my feet ..but my head is somewhere else. I read once that Timothy Leary had a Swami to help keep him grounded. I don’t have a Swami ..just a trail ..and I don’t know where I’m going ..just following the flow ..the trail switches back and forth ..and I’m going slow ..my feet start to sink down and spring up as I go ..a thick cushion of leaves covers the ground ..feels like I’m walking on the moon ..makes me laugh ..when that’s not enough ..I howl ..this is a woodsy area ..howling is allowed .. I go over a bridge ..above a dry creek bed ..I slide down and sit on the edge ..next to a willow tree ..and tell myself to pay attention ..birds are playing here ..they fly by in pairs ..rustling the leaves around me ..delicate flowers grow between heavy stones ..reminds me of something Lao Tsu once said: “what's softest in the world ..drives what’s hardest” ..and I think about the water that wore down these boulders ..and how something as delicate as thought can overcome obstacles.
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Mystical experience
Friday, February 17, 2006
Politics of experience
The second rule of exploration is to recognize that everyone has sovereignty over his or her own consciousness. De-commission the ‘mind police’ ..no one can enter or change your consciousness uninvited ..and no one can prevent you from entering and changing it yourself for that matter. I believe that we have the right to chose the narratives we live by. The mind is a story making device ..that’s it’s nature ..and we are the owners and editors of the narratives it creates.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006

My first rule of exploration is to have respect for the ‘visions’ of others ..the most valuable information I ever got came from other people. I believe that each one of us is a storehouse of ‘unlimited realities.’ Our thoughts and memories are the most apparent ..but there are others ..the ‘extra-ordinary’ states of consciousness reported by mystics from both western and eastern cultures. So ..my first rule of exploration: the visions of one person are just as valid as the visions of any one else. Who’s to say that the visions of Buddha were any different than those of Jesus ..Lao Tsu ..Socrates ..or Krishna. I like to begin exploring with an open mind.
Monday, February 13, 2006
Night sky
It’s another extraordinary night ..there's a confluence of warm air, full moon and offshore flow ..giving everything a celestial glow ..the sky looks ultraviolet and indigo ..my deck is illuminated by the moonlight ..the night sky is alive and vibrant ..sending waves of energy to anyone who’s in tune (i.e. stoned) ..this is no ordinary night ..no downstream beer ..no low-grade shake ..and no time for pedestrian music ..I put on Grateful Dead, Country Joe ..60’s lunatics ..and turn them up real loud. I go out on the deck ..shout the words to every song ..and dance in the moonlight ..feeling like I’m at the Fillmore west. Thank you night sky ..whoever you are ..and my condolences to anyone within hearing range of this crazy noise.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Cardinal Zin
I am holding a glass of dark red Zinfandel ..cupping it in my hand like a woman’s breast ..swirling it around and around ..holding it up ..and watching it slide back down ..now, I know that’s supposed to tell me something ..but I forget what ..I take a sip ..and let the liquor roll down my tongue ..inhaling the vapor as it comes ..ahhhhhhhh, like licorice and berries ..with a shot of California sunshine ..a drop of evaporated Pacific Ocean ..a light onshore breeze ..cleansing the palate of my mind in the waters of {{WILLIAM LEE!!!!}} Uhhh ..yea? You’re not paying attention again ..are you ? *sheepish grin* Yeshh ma’am, ah certainly am ..jus makin’ shure dat d’ish fine glasshh of whine dudn’t sh’lip outta’ ma hand.
Saturday, February 11, 2006
I wake up this morning feeling great ..I throw the curtains open and sing: “Good day sunshine” over and over again ..louder and louder each time ..wondering what’s going to happen today ..whatever it is ..I can’t wait ..I go downstairs ..have some yogurt, strawberries and coffee ..then go outside to read and clear my head. As soon as I sit down, a chainsaw goes off ..sounding like a band of screaming banshees –whhhiiiirrrrrrrrr crrrrrruuuunchhhh crrrrrruuuunchhhh ..my teeth rattle ..my head shakes ..I can’t hear myself think ..how rude ..I fume ..I scream but I can’t hear myself ..how are they going to ..ok ok, lighten up ..it’ll pass ..whhhirrrrrrrr crrrrrruuuunchhhh crrrrrruuuunchhhh neeeyoww hhhisss ~quiet~ then, Rick. Rick Rick ..whataya doin ..Rick Rick Rick ..whadaya doin ..Rick Rick Rick!!! Reply: Haven’t ya ever seen a lumberjack before buddy ? ..brummm brummm {{Chainsaw noise}} nnneeyowww hhhisss ~quiet~ Rick Rick Rick ..cut this one down ..Rick Rick Rick ..cut that one down ..Rick Rick Rick ..what about the one with the owl in it ..Rick Rick Rick ..cut it down ..cut it down ..I wanna see it! I wannna see it! ..Rick Rick Rick !!! Reply: Buddy, you know I can’t do that ..now go over there and sit down ..brummm brummm {{Chainsaw noise}} nnneeyowww hhhisss ~quiet~ Rick Rick Rick! Yea buddy ? Build me a birdhouse ..Rick Rick Rick ..I wanna a tree house ..Rick Rick Rick ..can we get in the car now ..Rick Rick Rick ..can I try that ..Rick Rick Rick ..cut her head off ..Rick Rick Rick!!! You know, I don’t think I’m going to complain about that chainsaw noise anymore.
Friday, February 10, 2006
Thursday, February 9, 2006
Wednesday, February 8, 2006
Darkeness at daybreak
I see how brutal nature can be
to a butterfly on a leaf,
the hummingbird zipping by is a savage beast.
Tuesday, February 7, 2006
Relevancy theory
I think Google is starting to run into trouble. It’s showing me a lot more ‘barely relevant’ web sites than it used to. Google grew on the strength of it’s ability to return the most relevant sites first. They followed a ‘democratic’ process where they figured the most ‘popular’ websites were the ones we wanted to see. They measured ‘popularity’ by counting the number of ‘incoming links’. The more people linked to a site ..the more popular the site must be. That worked well when most websites were ‘content specific’. Now we’ve turned a corner where blogs and online communities, like ‘myspace.com’, are becoming more popular than sites dedicated to specific topics. For instance, a blog may contain only one reference to ‘Willie Nelson’ ..however, because it’s the most popular blog on the block ..with many community members linked to it ..you may see it ..in addition to others like it ..before you ever get to the Willie Nelson website itself. Add to that the growth in the number of blogs and online communities and you may never get to see the real story behind Willie ..only a few personal opinions about him.
Monday, February 6, 2006
Peripheral vision
There’s not much blacktop left in LA ..and if you go there you might have to kill someone ~ you're better off letting the leader of the pack go down in a fiery freeway crash ~ it’s their nature. In India, elephants are trampling villages ..as well as the villagers ..some people say it’s because the villagers are encroaching ~ others say they’re being punished ..I think it’s like roller derby on the streets wherever you go ..it’s our nature. Researchers are finding trace amounts of prescription drugs in the water supply ..it's turning fish into hermaphrodites ..I wonder if I can beat the high cost of medz by switching to tap water ..some people tell me I’m prone to distraction and scatter-brained ..what was it that my friend Brad used to say ..I’ve got ‘scat-for-brains’ ..anyway, I try not to follow the same old circuitry ..that’s such a narrow focus ..besides, there’s a lot more to see out here on the periphery.
Sunday, February 5, 2006
Inner life of plants
I’m trying for a tropical-look inside my study ..that means a lot of pine wood and green leaves. There’s a kinte palm next to my desk that I’m particularly fond of ..it’s doing so well that when people come by ..they ask me if it’s real. I hauled it outside yesterday to drench-water and feed it some palm food. This evening I was admiring it again ..when I discovered little round white dots on the leaves. OMG ..what are those? I don’t think I can just leave them there ~ flash ~ out of nowhere the word ‘aphid’ comes to mind ~ flash ~ I’m listening to someone, back in 1983, tell me that kinte palms are prone to something-or-other that sucks the life out of them ..dilute dish soap in water ..spray each leaf ..then wipe it off with a soft cloth. OK, I tell myself ..don't panic ..I have no idea what aphids are ..I don’t know if these are what he was talking about ..I’m not even sure if this conversation took place ..or whether he ever existed ..but I follow his instructions implicitly ..I put a trace amount of dish soap in a sprayer full of water ..spray it on my hand until all the suds are gone ..then spray each leaf ..and wipe them down ..still not knowing if this is going to work ..or if I was only making matters worse. Later on my sister ..my gardener ..and the panhandler down the street ..tell me that those were indeed aphids and I did exactly the right thing. It’ll be a couple of days before I know whether or not I succeeded ..but I thank whoever is in my head for telling me what to do.
Saturday, February 4, 2006
Musical note
My neighbor Dez says he heard me outside last night ..singing. God, I’m such a terrible singer. I told him how sorry I was ..and said he could tell me to shut-up and it wouldn’t hurt my feelings. He says: “Oh, no no no no ..not a problem! I like to hear people sing ..makes them sound happy.” So, we chatted about music for a while. He’s a singer in a goth-rock band ..but says he prefers listening to songs by Tom Waits and Johnny Cash. I asked if that meant he likes people who sing in a ‘baritone voice’. “Ummm, well ..not only that ..I like people who sing in a ‘sonorous voice’ ” he says. OK ..(?) He goes on to tell me that that’s the reason he also likes Bob Dylan and Willie Nelson. I think I got it. I tell myself ..now here’s someone I can really learn from. But, what do I do instead ..I wrack my puny brain trying to come up with something I can tell him about music. I decide to explain my theory about how the Rolling Stones became popular. They were one of the first rock bands to introduce Moroccan and Mid Eastern rhythm to their music ..things like sitars and dulcimers. Made them sound ‘dark and intriguing’. You can really hear it in songs like ‘Paint it black’ and ‘Sympathy for the devil’ ..but not in ‘Satisfaction’ ..and you don’t hear it at all after Brian Jones died in 1969. I think he was their musical genius ..and blah blah blah. Dez stood there listening ..and nodding his head. “Interesting” ..he said. I went inside and thought ..what is the matter with me ..like I have something to tell him about music ..geeesh. I laugh it off and go in the garage to put my gardening tools away when something more frightening occurs to me ..I don’t remember singing last night.
Thursday, February 2, 2006
At the movies
I just finished reading ‘Memoirs of a Geisha’ ..it’s a wonderful story ..beautifully told. Now I want to go see the movie before the moment passes ..and I forget about it ..and it stops playing at the local theater ..which will be at 4:30 this afternoon ..I rush downtown wondering whether I should have purchased my ticket online ..I get to the theater and there’s hardly anyone there ..no lines ..very cool ..reminds me that I don't live in LA anymore. I climb the stairs because it’s ‘stadium seating’ ..which is also very cool because I know this is going to be a real treat for my senses ..what did Anastasia call it .. ‘eye candy’ ..well, if it’s anything like the images in my head ..I can’t wait. And I wasn’t disappointed. At first, it seemed like the movie was going in fast motion ..until I realized it wasn’t the movie ..it was me ..I was rushing it. Since the book was still fresh in my mind ..I kept anticipating the next scene ..instead of enjoying the one in front of me ..I made a conscious effort to stop doing this ..and managed to slow it down enough to take pleasure in how beautifully they recreated life in pre-war Japan ~ the floating worlds of Kyoto ~ the teahouses ~ the gardens ~ the cherry blossoms ~ the squishy things ~ the way geishas walk ~ stepping stones across a pond ~ dancing to the shamisen ~ rickshaws winding through narrow streets and outdoor markets ~ the smell of fish ~ glowing lanterns ~ tile roofs ~ flowing colors and textures of kimonos ~ white faces ~ ambition ~ treachery and intrigue ~ elegance and trash. I’d go see it again in a flash.
Wednesday, February 1, 2006
State of the union
Generally, I thought the state of the union address was OK ..then again, I wasn’t expecting much. At one point I thought someone else was speaking ..or they handed him a revision. First, Bush champions scientific research ..especially in the area of alternative energy. Now that’s very commendable ..surprising ..but commendable. However, he then goes on to demonize biotech as though anyone who practices this profession is a godless, flesh-eating pariah. He calls for legislation to make sure that this type of pond scum doesn’t start buying and selling genetic mutations on the open market. I wonder what’s going to happen to the value of biotech stocks. Probably nothing ..investors don’t pay much attention to this type of speech. As inconsequential as it may be ..I wish he wouldn't talk so much about things he doesn’t understand. I trust doctors a lot more than I do politicians.